Lions 61st District 201N4 Convention held in Young

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: President Paul Miller of Lions Club of Young, Mayor Margaret Roles and Stuart Freudenstein following her induction.

Lions Club of Young hosted the Lions 61st District 201N4 Convention on the 18th, 19th and 20th of February at the Young Services Club.

Ninety attendees representing their Clubs were welcomed by Hilltops Mayor Margaret Roles who opened the Convention.

District Governor Ron Parry, Immediate Past District Governor Stuart Freudenstein along with Lions Club of Young members also welcomed visitors for a weekend of fellowship.

Mayor Margaret Roles and Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman hosted a Civic Reception for invited official guests to begin the weekends programme, followed by an impressive Remembrance Ceremony at Arboretum Park, then the Meet and Greet.

Saturday commenced with Young’s Cadet Unit performing the flag ceremony with distinction followed by Hon Steph Cooke MP Member for Cootamundra and Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience welcoming all guests to our region.

Marnie Freeman delivered the Welcome to Country.

A welcome surprise was Mayor Margaret Roles being inducted into the Lions family.

Presentations followed through the day including keynote speaker Shane Fitzsimmons AO AFSM Commissioner of Resilience NSW, Kim Johnson speaking of Young’s colourful early days, Darren Coldwell from Lions Hearing Dogs, Liz Obersteller presenting the latest information on diabetes and Zoe Peters who is the current Lions Youth of the Year national winner who talked of her journey.

During the afternoon, John Muller OAM chaired a Q and A session on the challenges facing Lions Clubs and some suggested initiatives.

A dinner dance followed to celebrate our Club’s 62 years of service to our community with a delicious meal and 1960s music performed by Platinum Duo.

Sunday morning saw the AGM along with elections, then followed presentations including Lion Greg Dunn’s explanation of the rollout of the Lions Eye Health Programme followed by Paul Quirk speaking on Landcare and how partnerships with Lions Clubs could be mutually beneficial.

The closing ceremony followed by the farewell lunch concluded the Convention.


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