40 Years Of Writing Celebrated In Young

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Founding member, Kathryn Coughran-Higgins presents Ted Webber with a FAW Distinguished Service Award.

A 40th celebration dinner for Lambing Flat Young Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) Writers Group was attended by past and present members and community members at the Young Services Club on Saturday, October 22.

Supporters travelled from Quaama, Canberra, Ardlethan, Cootamundra and Binalong to join local attendees.

President Jennifer Haynes welcomed everyone and Treasurer, Joan Dwyer gave a brief history of the local group, which started in 1982.

Joan was delighted to announce that the Annual Cherry Festival Writing Competition hit a record this year with 771 entries received.

A two-course meal was then enjoyed and talented FAW members and bush poets, Robyn Sykes and Ted Webber entertained with poetry items.

One of the group’s founding members, Kathryn Coughran-Higgins (nee Anderson) attended with her husband, Ron, along with Judy and Angela Goodridge, family members of another founding member, the late Jean Goodridge.

Kathryn surprised current member, Ted Webber, when she presented him with a Distinguished Service Award (DSA) from NSW FAW for his many years of involvement and commitment to FAW.

Ted has been involved in writing groups for the past 25 years, with the last 20 years at Lambing Flat Young branch. He was initially a member of Wollondilly, then Camden FAW, which is no longer in existence.

Ted was President of the local Lambing Flat branch from 2014 to 2018, and has held other committee positions including Publicity Officer, Assistant Competition Co-ordinator and email contact for the Annual Writing Competition, for around 15 years.

His contribution has aided in building the local competition to the large national competition it is today. As email contact for the group, Ted dispersed information of events and competitions to all members for many years.

Ted attends regular monthly meetings and participates in workshops and promotional events. He has put a huge amount of time and effort into the Lambing Flat Young FAW group over the years, with enthusiastic leadership and endless promotion of the local writers group and FAW as well as the Annual Cherry Festival Writing group.

All who attended the celebration dinner commented on the friendly, welcoming atmosphere to celebrate the 40 year milestone, including Hilltops Mayor, Margaret Roles and her husband, John.

Congratulations to another local group celebrating 40 years, Young Society of Artists, who share some of the same founding members as the writing group.

Current members are eternally grateful to the individuals who had the vision to establish these community groups to promote art and culture in Young 40 years ago.

For more information on Lambing Flat Young FAW Writers Group, please contact the President, Jennifer Haynes on 0457 903 240.

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