Annual permits required for non-desexed cats and dangerous/restricted dogs

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Owners of non-desexed cats and dangerous or restricted dogs will now be required to pay for an annual permit on top of their one-off lifetime pet registration fee.

From the 1st of July, 2020, the NSW Government is introducing the annual permits to encourage responsible pet ownership and improve animal welfare standards.

Cats who are not desexed by four months of age will require an $80 annual permit on top of their one-off lifetime pet registration. The increase in desexing rates will lead to an easing in pressure on pounds and shelters and reduce the euthanasia rates. It will also address concerns about feral, stray and roaming cats and their effect on wildlife.

There are exemptions for cats already registered by the 1st of July, 2020, breeding cats kept by members of recognized breeding bodies and those who cannot be desexed for medical reasons.

Dogs of a restricted breed or that have been formally declared dangerous will require a $195 annual permit on top of their one-off lifetime pet registration. This will serve as a disincentive to owning restricted breeds and encourage responsible pet ownership to manage the behaviour of their dog.

The permit fees go directly to the Companion Animals Fund, which is used for companion animal management by local councils. This includes pounds/shelters, ranger services, dog recreation areas and education and awareness programs. It is also used for the operation of the NSW Pet Registry and to carry out responsible pet ownership initiatives.

Permits can be paid for using the NSW Pet Registry website at or through Hilltops Council.

For further information or assistance, contact the NSW Pet Registry at or on 1300 134 460.

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