Another Successful Boorowa Halloween Done And Dusted

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Thanks to the generosity of the close-knit Boorowa community, Halloween ‘24 was another huge success.

Event organiser Amanda Ingall said that although numbers were a little down this year, everyone seemed to have a fabulously spooky afternoon.

“We had six businesses, 30 residences and 12 walkers handing out treats,” Ms Ingall said.

“I had approximately 150 trick-or-treaters at my house.”

“The creativity of the adults and the children’s customers always amazes me.”

“It’s fantastic to see everyone get involved and dressed up.”

Preparations for the 2025 event are already underway.

“It will be my 10th and final year of organising the event,” Ms Ingall said.

“I am hoping someone else will take it with new ideas and enthusiasm.”

This year, Ms Ingall also suggested that anyone with surplus candy or items that their children wouldn’t eat, might donate them.

“Please donate wrapped and intact lollies, etc, to the Community Food Hub so we can spread a bit more sweetness to people who are struggling at this time of year,” Ms Ingall said.

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