Anzac Day, Local Health and Young Tennis Club

Written by: Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

I attended both the Dawn Service and later the March and Ceremony in Young on Anzac Day, both were well attended. I then attended the Bribbaree Anzac Day Service and dinner. We were very pleased to be joined by Colonel Tara Bucknell, Deputy Commander, Australian Army Cadets.

On Tuesday I attended the Hennessy College Anzac Day ceremony. On Friday I will be attending an Anzac Day ceremony at Boorowa Central School. It is a great privilege for me to be able to share these commemorations with a broad range of our community.

This week I met with the Murrumbidgee Local Health Network and community representatives in regard to all health-related issues in the community.

On Saturday evening I attended the 100 year celebrations at the Young Tennis Club. I congratulate the Club on a fantastic night and thank you for the invitation. Council are currently busy working on finalising our budget for the coming financial year. When preparing our annual budget, we work very hard to ensure the needs of the entire community are met.

I will not be available for my usual monthly appointments with community members in Harden or Boorowa next Tuesday as I will be in Sydney attending a meeting regarding the potential deeds and lease arrangements for the joint use library facility.

I would like to remind the community that we have a new contact number for all Hilltops Council Offices (Boorowa, Harden & Young) 1300 HILLTOPS/1300 445 586. This is the number that the community should use to contact Council during office hours, after hours, weekends and public holidays.

The weather forecast predicts a chance of rain in the coming days, I join the community in hoping this eventuates as it is very much needed.

– Mayor Brian Ingram

Boo Seeker

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