Boorowa Ex-Services No5 Pennant Team Wins District Competition

Lawn Bowls

Lawn Bowls

The Boorowa Ex-Services No5 Pennant team travelled to Cootamundra last Sunday for a top-of-the-table clash with the locals on their synthetic green.

It was a new experience for most of the boys who normally play on grass. The Boorowa team won on all three rinks, winning the district competition and qualifying for the Zone playoffs in May. Kevin Anderson won 24-6, Chris Grimson came with a late charge to win 20-18 and Shane Foote won 23-19.

The guys enjoyed some well-cooked snags after the game.

The No7s played at home against the Rec Club. They also won on all three rinks. Skips Bill Luxford, Glen Klose and Col Good rallied the teams after a loss last week.

The No5s will travel to Albury and the No7s will play in Young for the zone playoffs. Opponents for these playoffs are yet to be finalised.

Social bowls played last Thursday and saw a three-way tie for the winners trophy between Dick Mattress, Darryl Murphy and Garry Dwyer all on 26 points.

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