Boorowa Football and Netball Carnival green light

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

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Boorowa Central and St Joseph’s Catholic schools are once again hosting the annual Touch Football and Netball Carnival.

Hilltops Council passed a motion to support the event with funding, even without any knowledge of the costings.

Councillor Margaret Roles labelled the event as unique for the whole of Australia.

Boorowa St Joseph’s Primary School Principal, Mark Birks believes it will attract primary school students from years 1 to 6 in their thousands once again.

“It’s certainly the biggest combined touch football and netball carnival event, particularly in the state. Possibly and probably further than that,” Mr Birks said.

“There’s no doubt that it’s known far and wide and it highlights the Hilltops area. Apart from just on the day there’s definite advantages, not just to Boorowa, but for the wide Hilltops council area.”

It’s a combined effort by Boorowa Central and St Joseph’s Primary schools, with Hilltops Council to stage the event. This is the 35th year in its current form, with the carnival running for about 60 years in total.

A statewide capture of talent is forecast from the Canberra, Hilltops, Southern Tablelands, Weddin, Temora and Tumut regions; with a possible 7,000 to 8,000 people attending.

A COVIDsafe plan is with Council, social distancing will be in place, conversations with NSW Police and Transport are positive. School groups will be kept together, only leaving those groups when watching children play.

“It’s good for the community, and it’s good for the kids too. That’s mainly why we run it,” Mr Birks said.

“We’re trying our best to communicate [the COVIDsafe rules], and run it stress free and as easy as possible for everyone to attend,” he said.

Council are looking at what it costs them to run the event this year, as this has never been done before. It’s an estimated $24,000 cost for the one-day event.

The 2021 Touch Football and Netball Carnival will be held at Boorowa Showground on October 14, 2021. Schools can buy tickets from Eventbrite.

Boo Seeker

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