Boorowa Gardening Club’s Newest Donation

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

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Boorowa Gardening Club received a grant from Southern Phones to purchase a water tank and shed for their ‘no dig’ garden project.

They used straw bales which proved quite effective.

The success of the project instilled in the team a confidence to expand their garden to its current 18 garden beds and wide range of crops which have to withstand floods, droughts and wildlife destruction.

The garden’s position and exposure to the elements exacerbated conditions, but Boorowa Rotary were equipped to provide trees and shrubs to create a necessary windbreak to protect the area.

Boorowa Gardening Club started in 2016, founded by people who wanted to learn how to grow organic and healthy foods for themselves.

Over the years, the group has shared knowledge and friendship while getting outside to practice a mutually loved hobby and skill.

Most recently, the Garden group combined with the Men’s Shed in hopes of attracting new members to enjoy the beautiful landscape they have designed and created.

This inclusive and supportive Gardening Club meets every Tuesday and Sunday between 10 am and 12 pm.

KP Carmody

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