Boorowa Hospital Steps Up To Fill Gap

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Boorowa Hospital Medical Centre willingly takes on new patients and assures former patients of the closed Marsden Street Practice that they will not be turned away.

Chair of LHAC Marg Kelly met with the Boorowa Hospital Medical Practice to discuss their support while the Marsden Street Practice was closed.

Ms Kelly said that the Practice Manager at Boorowa Hospital had re-committed their support for the community.

“We’ve been advised that there are people who can’t access their medical records from the Marsden Street Practice,” Ms Kelly said.

“The Practice Manager at the Hospital has assured us that they won’t turn anyone away, but they will need to have a long appointment initially.”

“Do not be concerned if you have been unable to get your medical history.”

“Just ring the Boorowa Hospital Medical Centre to make your appointment.”

People can attempt to get their previous medical records from Marsden Street by emailing Ms Kelly said the hospital was attempting to engage another couple of doctors over Christmas.

“The only problem is they’re lacking in space,” she said.

“They want to try over the Christmas break to rejiggle their rooms around to make another office.”

Laverty Pathology will continue to provide services at the hospital from 8 am to 11 am Monday to Thursday.

Boorowa Pharmacy, or your regular pharmacy, can provide you with a list of your current medications so you can take them with you to your new GP to ensure there is no delay getting prescriptions refilled.

Boo Seeker

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