Boorowa Lions Club Supporting The Community

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Boorowa Lions Club has been supporting the local community since 1999.

Did you know that Lions Clubs have been active in Australia for 75 years? On Saturday, March 2 Boorowa Lions Club will out and about to let you know more about what the Lions do.

As a volunteer organisation working within local communities by doing what they can to help people.

The Boorowa Club will man a barbecue at the Boorowa Show.

So, if you’d like to learn more while enjoying a mouthwateringly delicious barbecue sandwich drop by and have a chat.

They are always looking for new members and they hold meetings twice monthly - one business and one social dinner meeting.

While attendance is not compulsory, they appreciate member participation. Boorowa Lions Club was chartered in 1999 and currently has 14 members with one charter member.

Club secretary Marilyn Miller has been with the club since it commenced and was recently awarded her 25-Year Chevron for her service to the Lions.

The local club supports several Lions Projects within the local community, nationally and internationally.

The Australian projects support all communities during natural disasters and other times of need.

Lions International also supports Australians during these events. For example, the 2020 fires and 2023 floods.

Locally, the club raises funds for local organisations such school libraries and other school projects, hospitals, community gardens, etc.

The local community also contributes through donations managed by the club:

  • Ronald McDonald House - various sites;
  • Eye Health - through collection of used prescription glasses, with drop off points at the arts and craft store and the pharmacy;
  • Bottle Caps - collected on behalf of the club by locals and dropped to membersf or recycling; and
  • Purchase of Lions Cakes and Mints throughout the year.

The Boorowa Lions will be bringing the Lions Eye Health Program to local schools in the coming months.

Schools will contact families closer to the date with more information.


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