Boorowa Lions now recycling plastic lids and ring pull tabs

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Bernadette Taylor is the Boorowa co-ordinator.

Normally we don’t think twice about throwing plastic bottle tops, plastic bread clips and ring pull tabs into landfill, as they are too small to be handled in regular recycling.

Lids4Kids, based in Canberra has found a use for the plastic lids. Washed and colour sorted they can be shredded and then used to make products such as park benches, bollards, bricks for community gardens, etc. Ring pulls (aluminium only) can be recycled as scrap to raise money for Aussie Kidz Charities in Queensland. This is a charity to fund equipment and services for disabled and disadvantaged children.

St John’s collection point is now closed in Boorowa and as part of its Environmental Project, Boorowa Lions is collecting these tops and ring pulls and passing them along to Lids4Kids and Aussie Kidz charities.

Liaising with Jenny West (who has been collecting for 20 years in this part of the state), Lion Bernadette Taylor in Boorowa is co-ordinator for this project and can be contacted to collect plastics and aluminium ring pulls.

Her contact details are as follows:

  • Ph: 6385 1401
  • Mobile: 0419 872 148

Clean tops can be dropped off at 15 Waratah St Boorowa (rear facing Jugiong St – where the retaining wall is. Please put in white plastic bucket near clothes line).

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