Can You Help 2YYY 92.3 FM Community Radio In Their Fundraising?

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


They stream broadcasting content 24 hours per day, seven days per week via the internet, and they are fundraising for an upgraded streaming computer and backup system.

They have set up a Go Fund Me Page to raise funds.

Just over three and a half years ago, the community radio station received $34,840 in funding under the 2020 Community Building Partnership Program.

This allowed updates to the old transmission equipment and the funding meant they could purchase transmitter equipment, an audio encoder, mixing desk and computer to broadcast content and music.

Since then, grant funding has allowed computers throughout the station to be upgraded and production equipment to be replaced.

Secretary James Wall said their streaming computer was fit for purpose back then, so they didn’t replace it.

“We’re trying to raise money to get another one,” Mr Wall said.

“Our income post pandemic has not kept pace with inflation, however our operating costs have risen quickly, so we started a Go Fund Me page.”

“We’re after another piece of backup equipment as well, if fundraising allows for it.”

“We put $5000 on our Go Fund Me page as a target, but if we got at least $3000 we’d be happy.”

“Technology changes every day and radio stations are full of technology.”

“It’s costly to purchase and costly to maintain.”

The Young Mosque generously recently donated $500 to the community radio station and they are very grateful for that.

“It’s one community organisation supporting another.”

2YYY would hope that it acts as a catalyst for the wider community to get involved.

As the demographics of the community have changed over time, Mr Wall would like to attract some younger residents to get involved in broadcasting.

If there are any younger people out there that would like to report on the junior sports in the district, now is their opportunity to do so.

If you would like to hear your favourite music, why not volunteer to go in and play a segment of your choice? A really reliable streaming service gets people listening in from as far away as England.

“All we want for Christmas is some support from the community,” Mr Wall said.

If twenty local businesses donated $100 to the community radio station, that would give them $2000 towards getting their streaming computer replaced.

If you would like to help keep 2YYY 92.3 FM Community Radio running well, you can make a donation at

*The writer of the article published on Thursday, November 28 apologises for any emotional distress or hurt caused by using the archived photo or anything contained in the article. They also apologise for any reputational damage the story may have caused. The Phoenix has the utmost respect for 2YYY 92.3 FM Community Radio. *

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