Carinya Court Christmas Celebration

Written by: Hilltops Council

IMAGE: Committee member Alex Fox flanked by Carinya Court residents Jackie Chown and Ruth Small.

IMAGE: Committee member Alex Fox flanked by Carinya Court residents Jackie Chown and Ruth Small.

Summer is here, supposedly and Christmas is upon us.

With 2020 COVID restrictions, the usual Carinya Court Christmas celebrations were curtailed like so many other events. So, it was with great joy and in high spirits that the residents and committee members came together and thoroughly enjoyed this year’s Christmas catch-up.

We would like to thank the Boorowa Rec. Club for the use of their venue and the beautiful setting which greeted us on our arrival.

A festive buffet table consisting of cold meats and a variety of delicious salads was followed by a mouthwatering spread of desserts.

A fun game played of ‘Select or Steal’ for a Gift Exchange saw everyone leaving with a small gift and a smile on their faces.

Don Henson. IMAGE: Don Henson.

KP Carmody

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