Celebrate Our Community

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Boorowa Rotary hosted the ‘Celebrate Our Community’ event for new and current residents.

Well, we might be experiencing heatwave conditions, but nothing could prevent Rotary’s ‘Celebrate Our Community’ event, which was held on Sunday the 19th of February.

Around 40 people attended the free barbeque event and enjoyed a host of tasty meats, salmon croquettes and a range of fresh salads. Dessert was fruit and cake.

Soft drinks and water were at hand to quench the thirst, and of course, plenty of opportunity was had to catch up with old friends and welcome newcomers to our pretty town.

Boorowa Rotary is to be congratulated for truly understanding the meaning of community.

By building relationships with those who live around us, we create a sense of community and connectedness, which helps to foster a sense of belonging and knowledge that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

Whether it’s sharing a cup of tea, lending a hand with a task, or simply saying hello, small acts of kindness can go a long way in creating a sense of belonging in our neighbourhoods.

Steph Cooke

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