Children’s Vision Screening At MPS

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Murrumburrah Public School was the first to welcome Lion members from the Young, Forbes, Bathurst, Orange and Lithgow Clubs for children’s eye screening.

The two-day session took place at the school on Wednesday and Thursday, October 25 and 26.

This program was created in Australia by the Lions Eye Health Program in conjunction with its technical partner, the Centre for Eye Health.

Beginning in 2006 as a Lions Australia project, it has successfully expanded in the years since.

Lions Club members who have undertaken the training required have increased in numbers across the district and now invite all schools to express an interest in participating in what is a very worthy program, fully funded by Lions.

The sessions over the two days ran very smoothly, with 122 children participating in testing. Of those 122 children, the parents of 32 will receive a recommendation to have a professional assessment.

Interested schools and anyone with any questions are invited to contact the Lions Club of Young Secretary on 0427 113 372 or email

KP Carmody

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