Community Hub’s Pop Up Pantries Deemed A Success

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Naomi in Harden with some of the loot they had to offer those in need.

Over the last two months, the Hilltops Community Hub hosted a number of pop-up pantries in some of the region’s townships.

Manager of Hilltops Community Hub, Naomi Peters said the last of the pop up pantries had been completed.

“A huge thank you to everyone that supported the pop up pantries by spreading the word, coming along on the day, shopping and making referrals,” Naomi said.

“We had in excess of 140 shoppers whose households totalled over 400 people. Feedback has been tremendous, and we had the best time meeting new friends in the villages and surrounding towns.” ““We made lots of great connections and thoroughly enjoyed being hosted by our halls and community spaces - we are so grateful to everyone involved.”

KP Carmody

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