Councillor Pledges Partial Income To Microchipping

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Councillor Gallo will purchase 20 microchipping services each month for companion animal owners unable to afford the fee themselves.

Councillor Michelle Gallo has put her money where her mouth is - or more aptly, her heart.

That’s right, she has pledged to pay for 20 microchipping services each month from her Councillor fee she will receive for being on Council, in an effort to ensure that all companion animals in Hilltops are appropriately microchipped.

“There are a lot of people who can’t afford the $70 fee,” Councillor Gallo said. “If we can reduce even one companion animal from ending up at the pound, it’s worth it. If they end up in the pound, it will cost them an arm and a leg to get them out.”

Ms Gallo said an animal ended up in the pound and the owner, a single father of three couldn’t afford the fee to get the dog out and the kids were traumatised.

“There are those who would say they shouldn’t have an animal if they can’t afford one, but I don’t agree,” she said. “Just because they may not be able to afford the fees, doesn’t mean they love their pets any less.”

One of Councillor Gallo’s goals is to help owners of companion animals in the Hilltops Council area. “I came from a Council that was very supportive of offering free microchipping for companion animals,” Councillor Gallo said. “I’m happy to do it. I’ve had a few people come on board.”

Councillor Gallo said she aimed to hold A Dog’s Day Out next year, with flyball, agility displays and market stalls with a nominal fee of $5 with all funds going towards microchipping.

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