CWP Renewables Offers Christmas Cheer

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

CWPR voucher Winner

IMAGE: CWP Renewables is urging charities and community groups to apply for support from their special Christmas round of sponsorship.

Renewable energy developer and operator CWP Renewables has called on community groups and charities to apply for support in a special Christmas round of sponsorship.

CWP Renewables Head of Development, Ed Mounsey said last year’s efforts led to a wide range of initiatives getting a boost.

“We gladly supported $30,000 in sponsorship to bring some Christmas cheer to to communities,” Mr Mounsey said.

“This year, we’ve increased the pool to $40,000 in recognition of the ongoing increased cost of living pressures.”

“We want to make sure we’re doing our bit to support community organisations that carry out such great work supporting those in need at Christmas and who bring some Christmas cheer to the community.”

“We continue to offer community sponsorships all year around, but we know additional support during the Christmas period is always welcome.”

Last year, CWP Renewables supported a range of initiatives such as community Christmas parties, gifts for disadvantaged children, and vouchers to support local business spend.

“For Bango Wind Farm, which is nearing completion, applications will be considered from organisations which operate or service the Yass Valley Council and Hilltops Council areas,” Mr Mounsey said.

CWP Renewables has a 5+ GW portfolio of renewable energy generation and firming projects in operation, construction and development and provides community sponsorship for a range of key areas.

This is in addition to community benefit or enhancement funds which are set up to provide annual funding for community initiatives for the life of a project.

Christmas sponsorship requests will be accepted until Friday, November 11 in all local government areas of CWP Renewables projects.

A total sponsorship pool of $40,000 will be shared across the regions in support of Christmas initiatives.

Applications can be submitted on the CWP Renewables website.

Steph Cooke

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