Draft Hilltops Local Environmental Plan

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Hilltops Council

Land Use Planning and LEP Review Program
Hilltops Council is progressing its land use planning review program to ensure local planning tools are suitable to and reflect local needs and aspirations as well as all relevant State and regional legislation and policy.

Through this program, Hilltops Council has completed background studies into rural and residential lands, employment lands, economic strategy and freight and transport planning. This material informed the development of a comprehensive strategic land use plan (Hilltops 2040) which was endorsed by Hilltops Council following public consultation in 2020.

The program has now progressed to the review of statutory land use plans, initially focussing on the LEP. Upon completion of the LEP the program will progress to reviewing and revising the Development Control Plans (DCPs) and establishing standard development conditions, as well as Infrastructure Contributions Plans. Each of these actions will be seeking to provide greater consistency across local planning requirements and guidelines, greater alignment with current State and regional policy as well as progressing the objectives of Hilltops 2040.

With the strategic objectives and policies established within Hilltops 2040, the new Hilltops LEP can now provide the statutory planning controls that will see these come to fruition. This includes the use of zones, minimum lot size requirements and planning clauses that are consistent with and further local strategy.

The development of a consolidated comprehensive LEP is one of the biggest steps in this program, as it is the most influential land use planning document in day to day decision making. In conjunction with the DCP, it is the most commonly used land use planning document in reviewing development applications and discussions with the public about what development can occur in their property, neighbourhood or community.

Need more information?
You can view the Draft Hilltops LEP via Council’s dedicated LEP Consultation website, https://lep.hilltops.nsw.gov.au/. The Consultation Website includes all of the draft Hilltops LEP documents and interactive Online Mapping to view the current and proposed planning controls.

Documents are also available to be viewed at Council Offices and Libraries.

Council’s Offices

  • Boorowa Office at 6-8 Market Street, Boorowa
  • Harden Office at 3 East Street, Harden
  • Young Office at 189 Boorowa Street, Young

Council’s Libraries

  • Boorowa Library at Pudman Street, Boorowa
  • Harden Library at Trinity Centre, East Street, Harden
  • Young Library at Lynch Street, Young

If you have any questions about the draft Hilltops LEP, please contact our Councils Strategic Planning Team on:
Phone: 1300 445 586 or
Email: lep@hilltops.nsw.gov.au

Make a submission
If you would like to make a submission in writing (including reference: DRAFT Hilltops Local Environmental Plan) by 5.00pm on 26 April 2021 in one of the following ways:
Via Feedback form on Councils Consultation LEP website: lep.hilltops.nsw.gov.au Email
Subject title - Draft Hilltops Local Environmental Plan 2020 submissions@hilltops.nsw.gov.au Post
The General Manager
Hilltops Council
Locked Bag 5
When making a submission you should be aware that details of the submission can be made publicly available as allowed by the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Councils Consultation LEP website

Rye Park Ute show

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