Elke Shares A Little Of Her Story With Harden United Hospital Auxiliary And Guests

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Elke Cleverdon with Harden UHA branch president Maureen Watts at the group’s recent morning tea.

Last month’s meeting of the Harden United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) was well attended, with around 30 people, including both members and the public.

Harden UHA Secretary Mandy Jones said guest speaker, Harden’s own Elke Cleverdon shared a little of her story.

“She spoke for around 30 minutes, discussing her work and life history, how she ended up on the Boards she is part of and how she ended up in Australia - specifically Harden - and the culture shock that ensued,” Ms Jones said.

“This part especially gave everyone a giggle. Speaking as a MLHD (Murrumbidgee Local Health District) board representative, Elke thanked the branch members past and present for their commitment to supporting Harden Hospital over many years, including the recent purchase of equipment for the Harden Emergency department.”

__Ms Jones said there was something to be taken away from every person the group had hosted this year, such as: __

  • Connections to resources (Flexible Care, LHAC (Local Health Advisory Committee), and The Melanoma Foundation);

  • Skills and information (Soap Making and IT Safety);

  • Finding out more about other services in the local area (The Farm at Galong and RDA); and

  • Getting to know our local representatives (former Mayor, Margaret Roles and Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke).

“We love hearing from all of our guest speakers,” Ms Jones said.

“It is always a pleasant morning out and by the end of morning tea you feel as though you really know the guest speaker and in turn feel welcome to reach out to connect with them again if you need to.”

Harden UHA will host one final fundraising Devonshire Tea at the Harden Community Markets on Sunday, December 15 from 9 am, followed by their final gathering for the year, the Members’ Christmas Luncheon.

“Our morning teas will recommence in the New Year,” Ms Jones said.

On Thursday, November 14, Harden UHA donated a mobile work bench to the residents of the Nursing Home to be used as a craft and creativity station and planned to put together some Christmas stockings for the residents to ensure everyone had something to open on Christmas morning.

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