Exciting Plans For Boorowa

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Boorowa Business Chamber discusses the benefits of a rail trail from Galong to Boorowa.

The Boorowa Business Chamber met on Monday, February 28 to discuss a number of important and interesting issues.

Among them was a rather exciting project outlined on the night by guest speaker Jim Ryan from Rail Trails Australia.

Chamber representative Angus Mitchell said that the project, the Galong to Boorowa Rail Trail, certainly wouldn’t happen over night. “It’s a fairly long project that will cost a bit of money,” he said.

“It will involve land acquisition off farmers or farmers letting the rail trail group travel through their land.”

The meeting heard Mr Ryan talk about a similar rail trail that has already been established in Tumbarumba. Both trails are 29km in length and utilise existing rail infrastructure.

It is anticipated that the rail trail will prove beneficial to the community both economically and socially.

Jacquie Tewes from Southern Region Business Enterprise Centre (SRBEC) and Mel Whitechurch from Hilltops Tourism also addressed the meeting.

Ms Tewes spoke about the importance of having a marketing plan while Ms Whitechurch spoke about a community event leading up to Easter.

Ten members of the Boorowa Business Chamber hold committee meetings on the last Monday of each month before holding a general community meeting every three months where community members can raise any questions.

“We’re thinking of bringing these general meetings back to every two months because there’s lot going on,” Mr Mitchell said.

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