Flaunt Your Flanno To Support Farmers In Need This August

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Don’t forget to don your flannelette shirt on Friday, August 23 for Flanno for a Farmer Day.

Farm Angels (formerly Drought Angels) have called on Australians to get behind “Flanno for a Farmer” throughout August, with the official day scheduled for Friday, August 23.

Throughout August, farmer support charity Farm Angels are urging Aussies to roll up their sleeves and rock their best flannelette shirts to support farming families across the country.

Now, more than ever, Australian farmers are facing a multitude of challenges, including natural disasters, mental health struggles, and rising production costs.

The funds raised from Flanno for a Farmer go towards providing essential emotional support, financial assistance, food hampers, care packs and personalised support to thousands of struggling farming families across the country.

Founder of Farm Angels, Natasha Johnston stressed the importance of supporting the Australian farming community.

“Farmers are the backbone of our nation,” Ms Johnston said.

“They work tirelessly to put food on our tables, but they often struggle silently with immense challenges, both physically and mentally.”

“By supporting Flanno for a Farmer, Australians have the chance to show their appreciation and give back to farmers in their time of need.”

The frequency and severity of natural disasters, along with other crises and challenges, mean many farmers are at risk of losing their farms or even their lives.

**Staggering statistics show us that: **

  • Nearly half of Australian farmers have felt depressed;

  • Almost two-thirds of Australian farmers experience anxiety;

  • Close to half of Australian farmers have had thoughts of self-harm or suicide;

  • Close to one-third have attempted selfharm or suicide; and

  • One farmer commits suicide every 10 days. This is 59 per cent higher than the rate among non-farmers.

“We need Australians to get their friends, family and workmates together, wear a flannel and raise money to help Farm Angels continue its great work,” Ms Johnston said.

“Every cent raised will enable vital outreach services to farming communities and will ultimately help save lives.”

“Farmers put food on our tables and clothes on our backs - now it’s our turn to give them a hand.”

The official date for Flanno for a Farmer is Friday, August 23, but Farm Angels are encouraging people to rock a flannel any time throughout August.

To register or find out more, visit www.flannoforafarmer.com.au

Farm Angels was established as Drought Angels in 2014 to respond to the needs of primary producers impacted by prolonged drought, initially in Queensland.

Since then, the organisation has expanded to provided financial assistance, food hampers, care packs, and mental wellbeing support to over 4,700 primary producers affected by all natural disasters (drought, flood, fire and plagues) in over 1,300 communities across Australia.

Since March 2023, Farm Angels has received more than 860 applications for assistance, performed more than 2400 personalised wellness checks and has given approximately $1.5 million in direct financial assistance.

By supporting these farmers to stay on the land through assistance tailored to their individual needs, Farm Angels contribute to Australia’s regional economies, food security and the social wellbeing of rural communities.

Visit www.flannoforafarmer.com.au for more information.

Steph Cooke

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