From Hilltops Council – Alison Foreman

Written by: Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman


Progress by its very definition, development towards an improved or more advanced condition, is happening around us every day. We progress in our jobs, our goals and in our personal growth.

But how does a region progress and retain its identity as an idyllic country place to live, work and play. Hilltops is experiencing progress through development in housing, commercial and industry.

You only have to take a drive around our towns and villages to see new and emerging infrastructure, improvements to parks, upgrades on roads and changes in our retail landscape.

As a region we have endured amalgamation, Covid and currently a restructure with at times concerns, but also a common-sense attitude on how we progress to the next stage of our region.

Part of this progress may be the possibility of a special rate variation, in order to advance we need to understand that like any business you want to provide the very best for your constituents and in order to achieve this you need to be financially viable. The balance between progress and lifestyle is achievable by communities working together to find mutual agreement, respecting change and by having open, honest conversations.

We should all be proud of our resilience and community spirit, we have the ability to become a leading LGA with forward planning, policies strong on intent but flexible and progressive ideas around sustainability.

Another thing I’d like to mention is ANZAC day, 25th April. I recently visited the Australian War Memorial and read the many names of the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for us. With our current global situation there has never been a more poignant time to pay our respects to someone’s son, brother, uncle, husband, friend or maybe all of these.

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