From Hilltops Council – Alison Foreman

Written by: Deputy Mayor Alison Foreman


I recently attended along with the Mayor, Councillors Mackay, FitzGerald, and Dodd a fundraiser for The Farm.

Nestled away in picturesque Galong this facility is a residential drug and rehabilitation service for women.

This amazing facility has programs designed to assist women to remain permanently free from addiction and provides treatment for women who have experienced domestic violence, abuse, trauma, homelessness, and incarceration.

Around 70 attendees heard how The Farm had changed participants lives by addressing underlying issues, allowing time to heal, and assisting in adopting positive new routines.

The Farm also has particular focus on women who have had children removed and restoration of that care.

Organisations such as The Farm operate by donation, which has led me to sign up for the Vinnies CEO sleepout this June.

Homelessness can affect anyone at any time, statistically over 122,000 Australians are experiencing homelessness.

Of these, 55.9% are male, 44.1% are female and 14.4% are under 12. If you would like information or have a skill that could assist The Farm – visit

A huge shout-out to Grace Kemp on her debut in the NSW State of Origin, what a proud moment for Grace, her family and friends, another example of the talent in our region.

Alison Foreman

Boo Seeker

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