From Hilltops Council – Brian Ingram

Written by: Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Monday 8 March marked International Women’s Day. The ever popular Boorowa International Women’s Day event was held at the Boorowa Ex Services Club last Saturday. Congratulations to all involved on a very successful event.

This Saturday, 20 March, the Young Crisis Accommodation Centre, and Multicultural Association will be holding a fundraising dinner at the Young Golf Club. Guest speakers will address domestic violence issues and showcase success stories of brave women who have overcome adversity to live happy and fulfilling lives. Bookings are essential and can be made by contacting Josie Johnson on 0428 574 841 or the Golf Club.

Hilltops Council has placed the Draft Hilltops Local Environmental Plan (LEP) on public exhibition. This is a major step towards consolidating and upgrading all land use planning controls and standards in use across Hilltops. The LEP provides land use planning controls that govern ‘day to day’ planning and development decisions.

The aims of the Draft Hilltop LEP are to:

  • Provide consistent planning controls across the whole of the Hilltops Local Government Area
  • Progress the short term strategic objectives established within Hilltops 2040, the official Local Strategic Planning Statement for Hilltops
  • Ensure the document is consistent with the latest State Government planning legislation and policy.

You can view the Draft Hilltops LEP via Council’s dedicated LEP Consultation website, The Consultation website includes all the draft Hilltops LEP documents and interactive Online Mapping to view the current and proposed planning controls.

During the public exhibition period Council Officers are available for appointments to discuss the draft LEP and what it means for your property, business, or industry. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Team on 1300 445 586, email

I invite and encourage residents to provide feedback and have their say to ensure we produce a plan that is right for all of Hilltops.

As mentioned in my last column, Council have endorsed plans for expenditure of the $10,000 Summer Event Fund grant received by Council. A street party will be held in the Young CBD on Saturday 10 April. Activities include busking, street performers, balloon twisting, silent disco, games, and caricature drawing. Following public comment on this event, this is a reminder that the event is being funded via the Department of Planning, Industry and Investment. This funding is not permitted to be spent on anything other than this purpose. The purpose of the grant is to support community connection and wellbeing via events in main streets. This event will provide opportunity for the community to return to the CBD and boost the local economy.

- Brian Ingram

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