From Hilltops Council – Councillor Greg Armstrong

Written by: Councillor Greg Armstrong

Greg Armstrong

Greg Armstrong

On the 4th of December 2021 the community will be asked to cast their vote in the election of the second Hilltops Council.

I urge all eligible members of the broader Hilltops local government area (LGA) to ensure that they are enrolled to vote and encourage them to exercise their democratic right to determine the individuals who will make-up the new Council.

I would support Councillor Wallace’s recent statement that “The acumen to make better decisions is most usually brought about by being properly appraised of the facts and seeking as much information as possible.”

And to this end, I would encourage the researching of individual candidate platforms, experience and Councillor performance in the case of those who may be seeking re-election.

It is greatly encouraging to see the easing of COVID-19 measures, such actions are only possible due to the increasing vaccination levels in NSW.

Hilltops LGA enjoys high vaccination levels and has been recognised for such efforts by the ACT Government in terms of easing of cross-border travel restrictions.

One issue that Council will have to continue to deal with is the ongoing financial position and the depletion of internal cash reserves through Operating Deficits.

This has been an issue since the beginning of the Hilltops Council and to my mind, must be a number one priority moving forward.

There can be no “silver bullet” for this issue and I believe that drastic measures need to be considered and implemented to turn the situation around.

We can only hope that the new Council will consider its options, consult with the community, set a path and have the good sense to not deviate from it without exceptional circumstances.

The old saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail” should be the catchcry of the Local Environmental Planning (LEP) process. After some 40 odd Committee Meetings, Planning Workshops and Council Information sessions, the LEP has now been submitted to the State Government for endorsement.

Have a safe and sunny weekend.

- Greg Armstrong

Home Ground Sounds

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