From Hilltops Council – Joanne Mackay

Written by: Joanne Mackay

Joanne Mackay

Councillor Joanne Mackay

Being a Councillor is an important role that carries with it significant responsibilities to the community.

Have you thought about becoming a Councillor for Hilltops?

The NSW Local Government elections are coming up in September, so it is timely to consider whether you would like to throw your hat and the rest of you into the ring or encourage someone you think might be suited for the role.

There are many reasons to stand for Council. You may have a concern within the community regarding services or you may simply want to make sure people’s views are heard and taken into account.

Personally, I have learnt a great deal during my short time on the Hilltops Council. I must admit I had very little understanding of the role and I acknowledge there is still so much to learn. I underestimated the time and commitment needed to juggle the readings, meetings, briefings, workshops, travelling and the number of hours a week committed to Council responsibilities.

However, with all of this I recognise it’s been a positive experience, albeit not always a pleasant one.

I have discovered a great deal about Hilltops and its varied communities, learned more about the role of different Council services and now have a better understanding about the difficulties of financial sustainability.

I have learned about interpreting individual concerns and how difficult it is when you can’t please everyone.

I have met some great people including my fellow Councillors and the staff of Hilltops Council.

Whilst there are many crucial qualities that make a good Councillor, I feel that it is the combination of our strengths and weaknesses and the differences and diversity of our Council that make it so interesting.

On a lighter note, bear in mind this role will make you neither rich nor popular, however it will make you more flexible in your thinking and perhaps more generous with your time.

I am not sure if I have sold the role of Councillor 100%, but I do encourage you to consider standing for Hilltops Council Elections 2024.

Being a Councillor is a privilege. And a wonderful opportunity to make a difference to your community.

“Experience is the teacher of all things” - Julius Caesar.

Boo Seeker

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