From Hilltops Council – Marg Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles


Margaret Roles - Mayor

Rules are everywhere. They ‘rule’ our lives. They are the fundamental principles that govern and organise every aspect of human life – ensuring continuity of the species. Rules help hold complex societies together in the face of competing interests and opinions.

This past week we have seen the tragic consequences of fundamental societal rules being disregarded by members of Australian society.

On a global platform, we are witness, every day, to the chaos that results from ignoring international rules.

As a society we develop rules to protect individuals’ rights (including social, economic, environmental) and ensure our safety.

These rules, of course, can vary according to the political, cultural and belief systems of a community at any one time.

Rules give a sense of order to our lives – which helps us manage more effectively, our responsibilities, tasks, and relationships.

Almost everyone who reads this column will belong to some sort of organisation that is governed (ordered) by a set of rules whether it is a constitution, code, policy, or guideline.

As Councillors we also have rules to follow - and it is integral to the obligations of each Councillor to be aware of and follow these rules.

In thinking about rules, I have also been reflecting on the importance of common courtesy in our everyday life.

Courtesy is society’s ‘grease’- keeping the wheels of society moving.

It is a way to show respect and acknowledge and affirm the dignity and value of those around us.

When we treat others with kindness, patience, and respect, we create a positive environment that adds to the well-being of life in our beautiful Hilltops.

Margaret Roles

Boo Seeker

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