From Hilltops Council – Marg Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles


Margaret Roles - Mayor

The Hilltops website provides information about all aspects of life in our local government area.

From Council Meetings to Council works and road closures and everything in between, the website provides the community with an easy to navigate information source.

For example, if you want to find out about the characteristics of Hilltops population and how they are changing, click on community and access the series of links to connect you to all the information relevant to the Hilltops Council area.

I am often asked about Council works. On the Hilltops Council website, under the link – Current Work, lists planned work.

Do it online is also popular as the world increasingly moves to online transactions.

Under the link Services/Residents, Grants and Funding click on Hilltops Financial Assistance and Sponsorship Programs. The Financial Assistance Program is now open for applications.

There are two categories – fund 1 for small scale infrastructure and fund 2 - general fund for community financial assistance. As well there is the Hilltops Sponsorship Program which can sponsor events or activities which benefit the community.

All application forms can be downloaded from the Hilltops Council website. If you are having difficulty navigating the website, my suggestion is to visit one of the Hilltops libraries where our wonderfully encouraging and well-informed staff are only too pleased to help.

Your Councillors also report on their workshops and meetings attended and community involvement each month. Access the latest monthly Council Meeting for an update.

Information is available to all of us – visit the Hilltops Council website anytime or gain help from our local library network. Keeping informed in our beautiful Hilltops.

Mayor Margaret Roles

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