From Hilltops Council – Marg Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles


Margaret Roles - Mayor

The need for emergency housing is growing across our nation and across our Hilltops.

We are so fortunate to have the Young Crisis Accommodation Centre (YCAC) in our midst.

Established in 1989, the aim was to provide safe and secure accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence and homelessness.

YCAC’s scope has broadened to advocate for the needs of all those at risk of homelessness across the Hilltops, Cootamundra, and Temora.

YCAC has a contractual agreement with two umbrella organisations to support 255 people each year.

Last financial year YCAC supported 349 people. This year the figure is already close to 300.

The question I asked was - how is this funding gap covered? Grants are accessed where available, but fundraising events that are organised by an active and dynamic management committee make sure that those at risk are always supported.

The Mother’s Day fundraiser was a wonderful success and because of the generosity of the community, all the monies raised will go into the pot to support others at risk of homelessness.

A special thanks should be given to the YCAC management and fundraising committee, the Pink Pot Garden Spot and Pink Jam Trading.

One of the rewards of being a Hilltops Councillor is gaining a greater insight into the depth of community kindness and generosity of spirit across our local government area (LGA).

I would encourage anyone considering standing at the local government elections on Saturday 14 September 2024, to access the NSW Electoral Commission website which contains information about the elections.

A series of webinars will be held for candidates and other political participants in the lead-up to the elections.

The first candidate information webinar will be held on Tuesday, 21 May at 11am.

Always moving forward in our beautiful Hilltops!

Boo Seeker

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