From Hilltops Council Margaret Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles


Margaret Roles - Mayor

Seven years ago, I was elected as a Hilltops Councillor. I have seen Hilltops mature as a Local Government Area (LGA) reaching rural regional status and becoming a respected member of the local government collective.

As a LGA we now have the population which gives us a clearer, louder voice in the wider political arena which is important for our community development.

It was interesting to read in a paper on local government that weaknesses of local government include small size, resource dependence and challenges in shared rule.

For some, it has not been an easy transition from the comforting past.

But to yearn for what was, is to miss out on the opportunities of what is and what will be. Hilltops has a bright future ahead.

Over the two terms of Hilltops Council, I have also witnessed how our executive and staff have worked tirelessly to build the sure foundations for a secure, sustainable future for our beautiful region.

The task is ongoing always. I thank all who give their best in the myriads of roles that make up the operational arm of Council.

It is important also to note the pivotal role that our elected Councillors play. Councillors not only represent their communities and residents; they also help to make and shape the policies of Council.

I thank Councillors for their commitment and contribution to the development of our LGA.

Lastly, I cannot forget our wonderful community.

During my time as a Councillor, I have been privileged to be included in many of the sporting, cultural, educational, environmental, and fundraising activities that are always taking place in Hilltops.

Each contributes to the collective wellbeing of life in our region.

With such positivity and collective strength, our beautiful Hilltops will continue to develop and prosper.

Thank you for allowing me, as a Councillor, to be part of the journey.

Boo Seeker

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