Waste is on the Agenda for Hilltops
From 6 May to 28 May 2023, community consultation workshops have been held across the Hilltops to garner ideas on how to improve waste management services in line with relevant legislation.
I thank all who have been involved in this consultation – the Executive, staff and Councillors who have been able to attend and of course the community. Village participation has been especially high with respectful, robust discussion taking place.
Some concerns have been consistent across the consultation sessions. Access and security have been common themes. These are tied to perceived widespread illegal use of village waste facilities and continued breach of security – locks broken and fences cut.
Positive suggestions were also received regarding sustainable waste management. An example is distribution of kitchen food bins, which makes it easier to separate food waste to put in the green bin collection. This could be processed into compost thus reducing landfill and forging a link in the circular economy.
Expansion of recycling options has also been highlighted at the workshops. Soft plastics are an issue for everyone. Soft plastics are plastics that can pass the scrunch test. Only rigid plastics can be recycled. Now is a good opportunity to reduce the purchase of soft plastic by choosing items with minimal packaging or ones that are packaged using other materials.
Development of a green shed at a central Hilltops waste facility was a popular suggestion as was a regular kerbside collection of household items, such as white goods.
Consultation will continue until the end of May and I encourage everyone to complete the online survey at www.hilltops.nsw.gov.au/council/community-consultation/
Environment Protection Authority (EPA) administers a range of NSW environmental legislation with which councils must comply. Enforcement is becoming more robust as the issue of waste is increasingly recognised as a local, state, national and global issue.
As residents of all these jurisdictions, we must play our part in the management, restriction and elimination of waste and pollutants. It is for the wellbeing of our generation and for those – our children & their children - who follow.
Margaret Roles
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