From Hilltops Council – Margaret Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles

Marg Roles

Mayor Margaret Roles

Recently we experienced another extreme weather event that resulted in a number of fires across the Hilltops, with the most significant being near Murringo.

Many community members contributed to the efforts to control these fires and minimise the amount of damage caused, ensuring the safety of the community in a voluntary capacity. I am proud of these efforts and thank those members of our community that assist in an emergency of any kind and protect our people and our beautiful Hilltops.

The 2023 Hilltops Seniors Expo was held in the Young Town Hall on Wednesday 22 February. The Expo had over thirty stallholders who showcased the many services and activities available across the Hilltops for our seniors. There were also musical performances and giveaways. Over one hundred and twenty seniors attended and enjoyed their time at the expo. As a senior, I thoroughly enjoyed this event and witnessing firsthand the social capital that is provided by this important demographic of our community.

The community consultation page on the Hilltops Council website has received many visits over the past fortnight, with three items currently on display. Our current consultation items include Domestic Waste Management Consultation, the draft Young Cemetery Plan of Management and the naming of Murrumburrah Bridge. It is important that the community have their say on these decisions as this feedback ultimately informs Council decisions.

There are online form options for ease of use, and we also encourage residents to write or email their submissions.

It has been another beautiful week in the Hilltops with our community coming together to celebrate all across the region. Over the weekend I enjoyed attending the Boorowa Show and assisted in the official opening of the impressive horse arena; a fantastic new community asset that is already being well utilised. The 70th Koorawatha Show was also held over the weekend and was a great success with many stalls and impressive agricultural displays. I want to thank the show committees and volunteers that ensure that these wonderful events can take place each year. Agricultural shows have a rich history in our region and without our committed community members this tradition may be lost. Over the weekend I also attended the opening of the Harden Community Garden and the Young Crisis Accommodation Centre Ladies Luncheon fundraising event. These are all wonderful examples of community supporting community and I congratulate and thank not only the hardworking committees who hosted events over the weekend, but all the hardworking volunteers across the Hilltops.

March is a full and exciting month in the events space for the Hilltops Region. The second Hilltops Off the Beaten Track event is to be held from March 8 – March 22. There is an assortment of impressive art and cultural events available right across the Hilltops region. There are also free bus tours this year, with bookings essential. Further information can be found on the Hilltops Region website and Facebook page.

Margaret Roles

Boo Seeker

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