From Hilltops Council – Mary Dodd

Written by: Mary Dodd


Ahh, for the good old days! Do you remember when...? Actually, sometimes things are better now like water from the tap, not the well, or being able to talk with family who are far away for next to nothing in cost.

But the good things from the past have continued such as advice from the pharmacist, home cooked goodies from the CWA shop, a walk along the creek with friends, fresh food from the Farmers Markets and communities supporting each other.

I have recently been reading/listening about the biases in our thinking which is why we often remember the past positively. Change can be unsettling and nostalgia, sentimental longing for the past, can bring security and keeps us focused on the positives while fading memories of the negatives.

Talking about the new, have you experienced the Hilltops Young High School Library?!

Fronting onto Carrington Park, it is both beautiful and useful. Spaces for reading, working and just hanging out. A friend was excited to take her two kids to the children’s section where they snuggled up together, reading books in the purpose-built nooks. Upstairs, accessed via the staircase or lift, as well as the books, you have spaces to read or work with others, often with tranquil views across the park. Rooms in the library can be reserved, and there are numerous devices and computers available for use.

Hopefully, you were able to go to the Open Day on Wednesday. If not, drop in soon and have a look. Spend time in the park or the playground afterwards. Compared to the old building with its ongoing maintenance needs, outdated design, dark and cramped rooms, and limited other uses, the community now has an exceptional asset for a limited contribution, most of it being paid for by the NSW Government.

We are indeed fortunate to have this and all our libraries. Consider how you or your community group could use these new facilities. Then call the library on 6384 2440 for information and bookings.

Mary Dodd
0404 485 519

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