From Hilltops Council – Mayor Brian Ingram

Written by: Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Last week I had an online meeting with Senator Deborah O’Neill regarding COVID-19 and the resulting local economic downturn and how fast-tracking public works and infrastructure projects may help this. We discussed several projects, including the joint use library facility and the benefit they will provide via local spending and employment.

Councillors attended a customer service workshop with key relevant staff last week. From this, a Customer Service Charter will be developed and presented to Council. This will provide a baseline for the customer service expectations across the organisation and forms part of our aim to improve the service we provide our community.

This week I will be participating in another round of ministerial meetings with the Canberra Region Joint Organisation. These meetings provide an opportunity to update ministers with information relating to our region and lobby for funding and support for priority local infrastructure projects.

Some great news for the Young community, the final connections on the Back Creek Road water main replacement project were made on Monday evening. This $1.2 million investment by Council will see significant improvement of water quality in the area, particularly in the summer months when discolouration is more frequent. In other project news, the McLean Oval grandstand project in Harden is nearing completion. It will be great to see the grandstand being enjoyed and well utilized by the community once current restrictions are lifted.

The Local Strategic Planning Statement is currently on public exhibition. This document will shape land use planning across the Hilltops for the next twenty years. It is important that as residents you let us know what you would like to see grow, change or stay the same in the towns and villages you live in, work in and love. I urge residents to view the document on our website and provide any thoughts.

It is pleasing to see an easing of some COVID-19 restrictions within NSW. Please continue to follow all advice from the NSW Government including social distancing and good hygiene.

– Mayor Brian Ingram

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