From Hilltops Council – Mayor Margaret Roles

Written by: Mayor Margaret Roles

Margaret Roles

Margaret Roles

Local government leaders from around Australia gathered in Canberra from 20 – 22 June 2022 for the 28th National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) held on the traditional lands of the Ngunnawal people.

For me the conference highlighted how national issues are now local issues and local issues have become national concerns. That is why the theme of the Assembly ‘Partners in Progress’ was so important.

Many federal members of parliament spoke at the NGA or associated events. All reaffirmed the importance of local government. The announcement from Minister King that she would work with Minister McBain to re-establish the Australian Council of Local Governments was welcomed by all.

In keeping with the theme of the Assembly ‘Partners in Progress’, councillors committed to partnering with the Australian Government to progress critical reforms, including climate change, the housing crisis, energy, waste and restoring integrity of federal funding to local government.

The protracted challenges of the COVID pandemic, unprecedented droughts, bushfires, and recent floods were discussed at some length with the recognition that all levels of government must work together on mitigation and the prevention of climate induced natural disasters.

The Assembly heard from leading economists that local government is the most productive level of government yet collects just 4% of national taxation revenue. The Assembly called on the Government to review Financial Assistance Grants and restore them to at least 1 percent of Commonwealth taxation revenue.

We can take our democratic rights for granted but the address by the Ukraine Ambassador in which he referenced the despair of the mayors of Ukrainian cities and towns reminded us all of the fragility of such freedom. A unanimous motion was passed, supporting the Ukraine people and their legitimate and democratically elected governments.

In total, more than 106 policy initiatives were adopted by resolution of the Assembly.

Our voice is joining with all LGAs to work for a stable and sustainable future. As our beautiful Hilltops continues to develop into a united and cohesive local government area, we are gaining the collective strength to face the many challenges ahead with resolve and optimism.

Mayor Margaret Roles

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