From Hilltops Council – Tony Flanery

Written by: Councillor Tony Flanery

Tony Flanery

At the July Council Meeting, there were a number of interesting items on the agenda.

The most contentious was the proposed Keeping of Pets/Companion Animals policy. The policy went out on public display following the May Council Meeting and it created probably the most significant public opposition we have seen since the formation of Hilltops Council.

There were 100 written responses, the majority opposed to the policy and a petition with over one thousand signatures.

Staff correctly recommended to Councillors they vote to not adopt the proposed policy which we duly did.

The other significant item was a proposal to “consult the community” on a Special Rate Variation (SRV) including the establishment of a 24-member community reference panel made up of 12 members hand picked by staff and 12 community volunteers.

The vote went 6-5 in favour of the motion.

I am totally opposed to the proposal and voted against it as I think it will totally overwhelm the unwitting committee members.

I fear the volunteers will be fed (bamboozled) with a heap of information to support a huge rate increase, likely to be in excess of 60% based on assumptions that justify a lack of budget control and prudent financial management by the Executive.

Councillors despite being elected and accountable are not part of the consultation process until the group have agreed upon a recommendation of staff.

They then come back to the Councillors and recommend the level of rate increase. Not if we should have a rate increase but the amount it will be.

It’s a complete “hand washing” exercise where no one is held accountable, particularly the Executive for what will be a very unpalatable process.

Council should come clean to Councillors on what they have in mind regarding the Special Rate Variation and a detailed justification for it, including what budgetary process has been used to save costs. We, the elected Councillors, should then make an informed decision on what is and what isn’t acceptable for the community.

Tony Flanery

Could you be legally blonde

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