From Hilltops Council – Tony Hewson

Written by: Councillor Tony Hewson

The Hilltops Council

The Hilltops Council

I have been helping out as a School Crossing Supervisor for a number of months, escorting school children across zebra crossings safely.

In that time, I have been astounded by the number of massive semis roaring past our schools.

The smell of faeces and urine are often overwhelming. In some cases these behemoths are only metres from school classrooms.

The danger of a truck hurtling out of control is always at the back of my mind as I stand on the road verge with a group of little kids waiting for the truck to pass just 2 metres away.

Now on Councils Traffic Committee, I have asked Councils officers to dig out former proposals of by-passes for the trucks. One Councillor said it was impossible to create one today.

I don’t think anything is impossible with good planning and the finance to undertake the creation of a bypass.

It will take significant land acquisitions (often private blocks) to achieve and significant grants from State/Federal Governments. I would appreciate any suggestions from Young residents.

Councillor Tony Hewson

Home Ground Sounds

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