From Hilltops Council – Tony Hewson

Written by: Councillor Tony Hewson


Tony Hewson

October has been Mental Health Month. Hilltops Council is endeavouring to secure a Headspace presence to service Young and nearby regions.

Having lived through the personal tragedy of my own daughter Holly taking her own life due to extreme psychosis caused mainly by excessive use of cannabis, I can appreciate the need for such a facility.

I was lucky enough to have a wonderful dinner with Holly at the Oyster Bar when I got the date of Gough Whitlam’s funeral wrong. I never saw Holly alive again.

A couple of weeks later my other daughter Amber phoned me to go into Marrickville to check on her welfare, as she wasn’t answering her phone. The shock of finding Holly who had taken her own life the day before was horrific.

Hilltops Council petitions are available at the Chambers, Library and many businesses.

I urge all residents to sign the petition.

Councillor Tony Hewson

Picton Bros

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