Halloween The Boorowa Way

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: Boorowa’s ghoulish characters appear each October 31 to trick or treat safely among the local residents.

Boorowa’s trick or treat night is exciting and safe thanks in part to one local mum.

Amanda Ingall started a Boorowa - Halloween Participants page on Facebook to ensure that her own child could trick or treat in safety and it grew from there.

“We work off a balloon system,” Ms Ingall said.

“People contact me and let me know their address and how they are choosing to give out treats. There are three ways for treat giving. They can personally hand them out at their address, they can leave their treats out for people to help themselves on an honesty system or they can carry them with them while out trick or treating with their kids.”

Ms Ingall distributes balloons with a note explaining what to do and the hours they are working on. “So, basically, they put their balloons out when they are ready to go and pop them when they’re finished,” she said.

“The kids know they can get treats if they see the balloons. The hours we are doing this year is between 5 and 7(pm). I have one address that has asked for earlier visitors due to fitting in with their routine, but other than that we try to stick to the time.”

Ms Ingall puts the list of addresses and a map on the Facebook page and everyone follows it.

“I don’t ask houses to decorate, that is their choice as to whether they want to or not.”

“It is a great social afternoon/evening and it is wonderful to see the number of families out walking around and enjoying trick and treating in Boorowa.”

“I can’t do this without participation from the community. Check out my Boorowa - Participants page.”

KP Carmody

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