Peisley Medals in Fine Form
On a fine day for golf despite a 1 to 2 club north-westerly wind, the course mucked up like a second hand whipper snipper taking most of the field by surprise. It was who could survive the tough wind and the damp track but greens like glass and tough pin cuts, that would see the day out.
Eventually only one man could play at or below his handicap for the day and tame all of the conflicting elements. Sensai Matt Peisley – step forward.
Matt has won the Day’s Event, the A Grade Medal, the A Grade Scratch, the Guzzlers Mug and put some big dents into his year long Eclectic. On the day Matt had a 76 shot round with a 70 nett in order to scoop the pools. This scribe is very lucky top have caught him the week before and sneak past him in the Club Matchplay I can assure you. Great round Matt !! Well done.
The B Grade Medallist and B Grade Scratch with a runners up role in the day’s event was David Solah. David has shot a 72 nett (1 over his handicap) in these tough conditions, proving that his series of improving rounds in the last few months will be sustainable toward a handicap reduction very soon when the conditions are just right.
Refreshment Vouchers for the day after Matt & David took the Club Prize Vouchers, went to Ev Shea (4 over handicap), John Brownhill (8 over handicap) and Ashley Hall (also 8 over handicap) which in itself proves how much tough going the course was playing.
Dempster Cup Reaches Quarter Finals
The round of 16 has now completed and we are into the business end of the Club Major. Results and Draw as follows;
Graham Taylor defeated Cameron Fairfield-Smith 1 up
Peter Elliot defeated Daniel McGrath 6 & 4
QF = Graham Taylor vs Peter Elliott
Craig Filmer def Matt Peisley 3 & 2
Maurice Manwaring def Jackie Solah 1 up
QF = Craig Filmer vs Maurice Manwaring
Simon Glover def Ben Glover 7 & 5
Tam Kennedy def Harry Sachs 4 & 2
QF = Simon Glover vs Tam Kennedy
Ashley Hall def David Solah 1 up
Jeanette Elliott def Chris Whybrow 5 & 3
QF = Ashley Hall vs Jeanette Elliott
Matches to be played by close of Play – Sat June 4 2022
This Week
By the time of publishing our Veterans Tournament should have been played and I trust all enjoyed their day out.
This Saturday is set for a Medley Individual Stableford. Please arrange your tee sheet bookings through Golf Genius.
Once again the Bendigo Bank Hole in One will be up for offer on the 10th. Support our local Bank as a way to show your gratitude for a Bank that supports Harden Golf.
See you on the Links.
__Alby __
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