Harden Golf News

Written by: Harden Country Club


Hoppe Wins Stableford in Horrid Weather

Well, it is winter and didn’t it turn it on for our keen golfers last Saturday. In about 4 degrees, misting sleet and a stiff breeze, Golf was going to be a test for everybody.

When even one of the most consistent male and also female golfers can barely get within 5 shots of their handicaps, let alone the scratch rating for the Course, it must have been tough going. Taking the bikkies and most likely the first to get back to the Club heaters, was Kevin Hoppe on a bleak 31 stableford points (par is 36 points and to the course rating is 39 points). Well done firstly Kevin for braving the day, but also for being best of a weather-beaten crew.

Mal Hufton, regular social golfer but rare comp golfer was most welcome with his wife Louise, came in second some 8 points adrift from our leader, whilst Jeanette Elliott (did the fair-weather golfer play in that …..?) and amigo Ev Shea battled it out for the minors a further point back of Mal.

As one who was pre-occupied with visitors, all I can say is Bravo for playing in that weather to all of the field, and for proving what a keen bunch us golfers really are for our Saturday penance.

This Saturday

Its Teams event time which signals mid monthly escapades into the random games of golf.

This week, the ever popular 4 Ball – Worst Ball returns. A regular feature now on our Calendar thanks to Ben & Motor who introduced it some 10 years ago. This is not as bad a game as the name of it implies. It is indeed a true test of teamwork where the lower of the stableford scores on each hole is recorded, for the best aggregate of the lower points scored by partners through 18 holes.

As stated, it is a true test of teamwork, not giving up and trying to get your point or 2 on every hole. Remember that even a point beats a wipe every time, and every point matters in the end. As usual though, an individual stableford will be run in conjunction so everybody has something to shoot for.

It’s a mixed medley so all of our men, lady and mixed pairings, as your fancy may be, are most welcome. Grab a partner, sign into genius and let’s get Worst Balling.

Harden Men’s Tournament Soon

Its only a bit over a week to the Annual Men’s Tournament – June 25 & 26. A weekend of fun where the Girls are invited to join Saturday for the Scratch, Mens & Medley 4 BBB day, whilst the Men of the region and beyond will play for the Annual Men’s Open on Sunday.

I know the link has been sent by SMS Talk Box and also by email. This has a direct link to the Tournament Entry module, or it is on the Club’s web page. For the non techno-savvy, please ring or drop in and see Robyn or Chris to get you in the field – 6386 2483.

I will look out for you through the Irish mist this Saturday trying hard not to be my pairings worst baller ……. All the time, at least.


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