Harden Golf News

Written by: Harden Country Club


Kevin Holds Opposition Off With Par Round

Recent weeks have seen scoring fests and dynamic scoring. This week we return to some normality and a good size field has struggled on a perfect summer day with some flukey winds. Go figure…

On Saturday we played a Medley Individual Stableford and it was great to see Jeanette, Jacqui and Sheena mix it up with the boys in a healthy sized field.

The course is getting some run back, the growth is still there and the greens are running true and slick.

Kevin Hoppe claimed the day all alone on a par 36 point round. A Club voucher will be loaded onto Kevin’s card which will no doubt ensure that he returns for several more rounds to come.

Balls went back to 32 points on a 4 way countback with 3 of the 32 pointers sadly missing out.

Every last shot counts as you head back toward the clubhouse and could be the difference between who pays for your first refreshment. One on the Club is always a good thing.

Balls were awarded to runner up David Jams who was 1 shot back from Kevin, on 35 points, Daniel McGrath had 34 points, Jeanette Elliott 33 points and who else but Ronny Page to take the last ball and steal the thunder from Jackie Solah, Peter Elliott and Tam Kennedy. We will be holding a Stableford on Australia Day with a great forecast expected also.

This Weekend

On Saturday we are holding a Mixed Medley Stableford again whilst the program for 2022 will be pinned down shortly by the Committee. Again, book in via the Golf Genius App or ring the staff on 6386 2483 to secure your spot in the field.

Do not forget the Pepe’s 9 hole Duck Run each weekend.

This is open to members of both the golf and social membership status. $8 gets you a round and a refreshment as well as a chance to get a Pepe’s Duck for either the win, the Bradmans or whatever jumps out at management from the field of scores. Great value. For 2 – 3 hours out of the house and to enjoy the weather and the course in present conditions.

As I do, play it in conjunction with your comp round even – works great.

See you out there. Alby

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