Harden Hit By Huge Hailstorm

IMAGE: The damage caused by the severe storm in Harden was extensive. Photos from Steph Cooke MP Facebook.
Early on Monday morning, a severe storm swept through Harden Murrumburrah, causing extensive damage.
The storm hit around 6am, unleashing a huge amount of hailstones and just under 50ml of rain in 30 minutes, causing flash flooding. The hail was so substantial there were reports of it still being present on Tuesday morning, more than 24 hours after it had been dropped.
The Harden SES unit received calls to 157 incidents, undertaking a monster effort to complete 115 of those on Monday.
Crews were back out again on Tuesday to finish the remaining incidents.
67 properties recorded damage in the event, with 12 being deemed unhabitable due to the destructive nature of the storm and 13 were inundated.
Among the damage was smashed windows, compromised rooves, collapsed ceilings, inundation and general water damage. There was also damage to cars.
Many businesses remain closed while the clean up continues. Schools were closed on Monday but began opening on Tuesday, with some sections still closed due to the damage.
Adding to the horrific damage the storm caused was the injury and loss of animal life.
A devastating amount of wildlife was caught up in the storm.
It is estimated over 800 birds were affected.
Wildcare, WIRES, SES and other volunteers including staff from Boorowa Vet Clinic undertook a massive effort to triage 500 birds, while unfortunately an estimated 500 birds were either found deceased
or required euthanising due to their injuries.
An animal ambulance was dispatched from Sydney to assist with the situation, a triage centre opening at the Poultry Shed at the Harden Showground.
If you require assistance with a sick, injured or orphaned native animal, please call the 24/7 Wildcare Helpline on (02) 6299 1966.
Adding to the loss of animal life, farmers experienced livestock losses due to the ferocity of the storm.
Damage to fences, dams and paddocks has added to the cost of the storm.
Primary producers are encouraged to report their damage to the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) at the following address: dpi.nsw.gov.au/emergencies/emergency/community/primaryindustries-natural-disaster-damage-surveyHilltops Council has opened the Harden
Waste Facility free of charge for storm waste. It will be open from 9am to 3.30pm Friday the 14th of February and 9am to 4pm Sunday the 16th of February.
Local MP Steph Cooke was on the ground following the storm and has indicated to the NSW Emergency Services Minister a Natural Disaster Declaration is needed for ongoing clean up efforts.
Boorowa also suffered large hail earlier in the morning but thankfully it did not cause the widespread devastation seen in Harden Murrumburrah.
A huge amount of services and volunteers collaborated to begin the mammoth task of cleaning up with the community’s thanks going to all of them.
Members of the SES, RFS, Fire and Rescue NSW, Wildcare, WIRES and Hilltops Council were among the large number of personnel and volunteers joining together to help the community of Harden Murrumburrah.
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