Harden Local Returns From Second Trip To Eugowra

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Donations Eugowra

IMAGE: Donations Eugowra

Harden local Jeffrey Withers returned from a second Helping Hands trip to Eugowra over the weekend and brought an update regarding this small community.

“The donations that were taken out on Saturday were stored at a private business and will be distributed to those in need directly by Eugowra locals who will have the most knowledge of the best way to do this,” Mr Withers said.

“A comment was made once we had unloaded, which was that both the variety and the quality were amazing,” he said.

“This Eugowra local was almost driven to tears that we helped in the ways we did.”

“Country people are tough and resilient and the ones that I witnessed are a shining example of this.”

Mr Withers thanked the community for their donations to the Eugowra community but said that any physical donations have been put on hold at the moment because the capacity to store them was very limited.

“What is being asked for is EFTPOS and store gift cards so that the people there are given the capacity to shop in Parkes or Forbes for goods that they actually need,” he said.

Mr Withers and the Helping Hands team delivered five half pallets of donations to Eugowra last weekend.

Steph Cooke

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