Have Your Say On The Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


The Draft Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan is now available to view and for the community and stakeholders to provide their feedback.

The Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (SRITP) provides a 20 year vision of the key transport priorities for the region.

It will offer an integrated planning approach to transport infrastructure and services in the region, reflecting the diverse and changing transport needs of regional communities, and providing coordinated solutions.

Hilltops is located in the South East and Tablelands region.

Residents can deliver feedback by completing the survey for the South East and Tablelands region at haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/sritp/south-east-and-tablelandssurvey or by uploading a submission to the portal at haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/sritp/south-east-and-tablelands-submission

The SRITP is available to view at haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/download_file/view/7028/1557

The consultation period closes on Friday the 28th of February so make sure you have uploaded your submission or completed the survey by then to have your say.

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