Hilltops Region To Get Bird Trail

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


Founder of Hilltops Bird Observers and creator of last year’s Bird Trail for the Superb Parrot, Patrick Downey is almost ready to reveal his Hilltops Bird Trail.

Founder of Hilltops Bird Observers, Patrick Downey has undertaken a project to create a Bird Trail for the region.

This follows on from his creation of a species-specific bird trail for the Superb Parrot in 2023.

The On the Trail of the Superb Parrot brochure is available at all of the Hilltops’ Visitor Centres.

“I always planned to do a bird trail for HIlltops, but after my Local Landcare Group received multiple enquiries from visitors about where to see Superb Parrots, I created the On the Trail of the Superb Parrot brochure first,” Mr Downey said.

“I learned a lot from doing the first trail, which has been invaluable for the Hilltops Trail.”

The Hilltops Bird Trail will provide residents, visitors, and tourists with an interest in bird watching and information encouraging them to explore areas that are known for high activity.

The Trail will be in the form of a brochure that will contain a map identifying the sites, a list of key species that may be found at each site, some general information about the flora geography of Hilltops and a complete list of all the birds known to live in the Hilltops Shire.

It will be interactive, allowing participants to tick seen species and to help bird conservation studies by reporting sightings of threatened species, if they have also been seen.

A printed version of the Trail will be available at each of the Hilltops Visitor Centres and a digital copy will also be available.

“I’m well into the Trail with the draft design, species list and content completed and reviewed by staff from Ecosystems and Threatened Species, South East Biodiversity, Conservation and Science at DCCEEW and Local Land Service, but I do need some help,” Mr Downey said.

The Bird Trail is a double-sided A3 in size, folded down to a DL.

The content of the Trail has been finalised, but while the design still needs work to make it print-ready by a graphic designer, there is a call for assistance from the Hilltops community to help with two parts of the project - the identification of sites and what bird species best represent the communities of the Hilltops Shire.

The bird sites assessment is coming to an end and assistance in identifying sites that may be suitable for the Bird Trail is being sought to ensure that no good sites are missed across the Local Government Area.

Sites need to be on public land and readily accessible with safe parking.

They can be anywhere in the Hilltops Shire, including villages.

Some sites already included are:

  • Chinaman’s Dam with its rich waterbird population and excellent public facilities;
  • Reagan Lagoon;
  • Koorawatha Natura Reserve (Koorawatha Falls); and
  • Illuine Nature Reserve.

Community input is also being called for what birds best represent the towns and villages of Hilltops so their images can possibly be included in the Trail.

It may be a common garden variety, a waterbird, or a bird of prey, or it may be one of the 33 Hilltops Shire endemic bird species that range from vulnerable to critically endangered.

With Hilltops being famous as the home of the vulnerable Superb Parrot, it will be one of the bird images included.

Email hilltopsbirdobservers@gmail.com if:

  • you have a favourite bird or bird-watching site that you think may be appropriate for The Trail so it can be considered for inclusion.
  • you like birds and are interested in joining Hilltops Bird Observers and attending their monthly field trip held on the third Sunday of the month.

The Hilltops Bird Observers is a small but friendly and enthusiastic group welcoming bird enthusiasts of all ages.

KP Carmody

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