Housing Boom Across Hilltops

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

Real Estate

Something very strange has happened to our Hilltops property sales since the advent of COVID-19. Despite a dip in sales at the beginning of the crisis in March and April 2020, Justin Fleming, Managing Director of Flemings Real Estate says that residential property sales have never been stronger.

There are several reasons for this boom. Firstly, it’s a case of “location, location, location”. The Hilltops Region is within easy driving distance of our capital city, Canberra, as well as several large regional centres. Location also includes aesthetics, and who can fail to be impressed by golden fields of canola and wheat and by fat lambs frolicking in the paddocks? First home buyers are investing in the Region because of low interest rates, government incentives, and better value for money: houses here can cost a half or a third of the price they would attract in a city. Businesses are booming in Boorowa, Harden Murrumburrah, Jugiong and Young, and there is no indication that this is going to stop any time soon. Justin also relates that people are impressed by the look and feel of our towns and the fact that our communities welcome newcomers. Our towns are refreshed by the skills and enthusiasm that new comers bring, so the next time you have a new neighbour, don’t forget to meet and greet them - good old-fashioned country scones or fruitcake are always gratefully received.

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