Inaugural Rock For Recovery Event A Smashing Success

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix


IMAGE: The Flourish Team with Steph Cooke MP, Ed Layton (Peer Worker), Casey Wilton (Team Coordinator), Donna McGuire (Mental Health Worker) and Jess Lavis (Mental Health Worker).

Beautiful weather, fantastic music, stunning vehicles and loads of people - what more could you ask for at an inaugural event?Rock for Recovery went off with a bang last weekend, with services uniting in one place to let the community know that there is definitely help and support for anyone struggling with their mental health, if and when they need it.

Flourish Team Leader Young Casey Wilton said the day was fantastic, with so many community members attending and participating on the day.

“What a turn out for our first event,” Ms Wilton said.

“The Temora High School band were the winners of the day with their performances. One of the guitarists even played his guitar behind his head - very impressive. Second place was the solo performer Juicy Lane with her beautiful vocals.”

“The jumping castle and face-painter were a hit with the kids and The Hilltops Youth Action Group provided popcorn and fairy floss as well, which the kids loved. All the stall holders were great contributors on the day.”

Those stall holders included Hilltops Youth Action Group, Young Crisis Accommodation Centre, Grand Pacific Health, Wellways, The Community Hub, Flourish Australia and The Blackdog Ride.

“Our Mayor Brian Ingram is to be acknowledged for his heartfelt lived experience and understanding of mental health,” Ms Wilton said.

“Young Relics Heritage Motor Club held their bike/car show and shine and were so impressed with the day, they’ve decided to make the annual Flourish Australia Rock for Recovery their annual event as well. The cars and bikes on display were amazing.”

Ms Wilton said there was too much to mention and too many thanks to deliver, but Flourish Young feels very welcomed and supported by the Hilltops community and can’t wait for the next event.

Steph Cooke

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