Join In And Celebrate Seniors Week Across The Hilltops

Written by: The Hilltops Phoenix

2021 Seniors Festival Program

Hilltops seniors are invited to take the opportunity to participate in Hilltops Council’s free activities to celebrate this Seniors Week 2021.

Tech Savvy Seniors’ classes provide answers to individual questions at the Hilltops libraries on Friday 16 April 10am – 12 noon. Improve your knowledge and discover endless possibilities with your device or using library computers with assistance from Youth mentors. No questions will be too difficult for our younger generation!

Local Clinical Nurse Consultant, Joy Howell, will present an informative discussion on “Keeping mentally and physically healthy in older age: some tips and myths” with time for Q & A with a professional practicing in the field of health and wellbeing. Presented at the library branches, in Harden at 11am on Friday 16 April, Boorowa at 3pm on Monday 19 April and Young at 10am on Wednesday 21 April.

Enjoy an entertaining Presentation by author Julie Ankers at Young Town Hall on Tuesday 20 April at 1.30pm, at Harden RFS Centre on Wednesday 21 April at 10am and at Boorowa Library on 22 April, commencing at 10am.

In her third visit to the region, Julie will provide the audience with both amusing and emotional anecdotes from seniors whose stories have been the inspiration for her three popular books. Julie’s reflections on life will be familiar to all of us.

Join an interactive and inspirational Workshop, also with author Julie Ankers, to redefine your life after COVID, at Young Town Hall on Tuesday 20 April at 6.30pm, at Harden Library on Wednesday 21 April at 2pm and at Boorowa Library on 22 April at 1pm.

Now is the perfect opportunity to explore different options to make the most of your senior years. A chance to renew and revitalize your life path under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Limited places for individual attention.

The popular “Take 5 on Fridays” will return from COVID-19 imposed recess with a special Seniors Concert at Young Library on Friday 23 April at 12.30pm. Entertainment will be provided by talented local Judy Barker, whose renditions of soul, jazz and pop are well-known in the region.

Join the audience for this special finale to celebrate Seniors’ Week in the Hilltops. Due to COVID safe restrictions and catering requirements, registration is essential with Eventbrite or contact your branch library to express your interest in attending any, or all events.

Hilltops Council Library branch locations:
Boorowa - Pudman Street - Phone: 6384 2441
Harden - Trinity Centre, East Street - Phone: 6384 2445
Young - Lynch Street - Phone: 6384 2440

Boo Seeker

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